How to Care for Men's Feet
Trim your toenails on a regular basis. When you trim, be careful to follow the shape of the nail and refrain from cutting too deep. Otherwise, you leave the tissue open to infection.
Insert insoles into your shoes to support your foot arches and provide comfort, especially if you stand a lot. If over-the-counter varieties do not help, see a podiatrist for recommendations for your particular needs.
Wash your feet daily, even between your toes, and wear clean socks every day. This will prevent athlete's foot and other fungi. If you tend to have problems in this area, purchase special lotions and powders that will help keep your feet dry.
Wear shoes that fit well. If your shoes do not fit, they can cause calluses and blisters. Have a professional size your feet and help you find the proper shoes for your lifestyle.
Stock bandages in your gym bag or medicine cabinet. At the first sign of a blister, place a bandage over the area -- a bandage will frequently stop a blister before it has time to fully form. If you notice a callus, soak your feet in hot water for 15 to 20 minutes.
Wear shower shoes whenever you visit a public showering facility to avoid exposure to other people's foot problems. The shower shoes will protect your feet from bacteria that may live in the flooring.