How to Cure Hydrocele
Things You'll Need
- Doctor's diagnosis
- Surgery
- Diet
- Exercise
Go to the doctor for a diagnosis if you notice the shape, size or weight of your scrotum has changed. To correctly diagnose hydrocele your doctor will shine a light under the testicles to see if the fluid-filled sac is translucent. Further tests such as an ultrasound may be done to make a further diagnosis if the fluid is not translucent. Clear fluid is a good indication that the condition is benign. Hydrocele in infants usually goes away on its own, while in adult males it is usually persistent and needs treatment.
Aspirate the fluid with a syringe. Your doctor will apply a local anesthetic to the site and using a sterile syringe, he will drain the fluid. Fluid removal is a temporary fix for adults because the fluid will usually return. Your doctor may prevent fluid from returning by injecting a sclerosing agent into the sac that will cause the hydrocele to adhere at the defective passage way, sealing it shut.
Undergo an outpatient surgical procedure to remove the hydrocele. During this procedure your doctor will excise and remove the sac that is filling with fluid. This will permanently stop fluid from building up in the scrotal sac.
Find out what caused the hydrocele. Adult males may incur a hydrocele due to an injury in the scrotum. Other reasons for a hydrocele are excessive sexual activity, infection, excessive straining or overall poor health.
Change your diet to include more fruits and vegetables and eliminate unhealthy foods. Naturopathic medical doctors suggest that hydrocele is caused by a poor diet and overall poor health. Avoid foods high in sodium, which can cause water retention. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Changing to a cleaner, healthier diet can improve your overall health.
Engage in aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming, hiking and jogging most days of the week. Wear a support bandage if movement is uncomfortable.