What Is a Gantt Chart for Personal Training?
Identifying The Objective
Gantt charts start with one primary goal or objective. For example, the objective might be to run a marathon. The overall objective is then broken down into the tasks required to achieve the overall objective. The organization may be by task or sub-tasks. But Gantt chart planning begins at the end, with the final goal in mind, then works backward, breaking the goal into its component parts.
Defining Tasks or Sub-Objectives
Tasks and objectives are the same. The task describes the work to be done; the objective describes the goal sought. Gantt charts can organize your personal training in either way. Beginning with the overall objective, you can list either tasks or sub-objectives or both. The value of mapping your objectives with a Gantt chart isn't just tracking your progress; it's the structure that forces you to define each small component that will result in your overall objective.
Defining Relationships
Gantt charts allow you to identify sequential tasks as well as parallel or simultaneous tasks. But they also let you define the beginning and end of tasks by relationships or criteria other than time. For example, a simple plan might be that you begin doing interval training on July 10th. A Gantt chart lets you estimate that you'll begin your intervals on the 10th, but the beginning of this phase of training will be contingent on the completion of one or more other tasks. For example, you might have a benchmark for your cardio program as well as a target weight. But instead of starting on the 10th, regardless of your success, you may start sooner or later than the 10th, depending on when you complete your subordinate tasks.
Once your overall objective is identified, the sub-objectives are defined and the relationships between the sequences of tasks are defined and planned, you can track your progress with the Gantt chart. It is a dynamic system. The chart lets you visualize the conceptual framework; but once you do, you can work within it to make adjustments as needed. To stay on track, any mid-course adjustments you make should continue to focus on your primary objective.