The Effects of Male Pattern Baldness
The visible aspects of male pattern baldness are usually obvious. Though they may start out slow, it becomes apparent eventually that your hair is thinner or nonexistent in some areas. This can affect how you style your hair, so select a new style. Talk to your stylist for tips on what you can do to embrace the fact you are balding. Go for a shorter hair style that makes thinner spots less obvious. You can also get ahead of the game and shave or even buzz cut your hair. This way, you make the choice to have little hair, as opposed to being forced into it.
The social aspect can be hard on men who are balding. Often men feel self-conscious and may try to avoid going out in public as much as possible for awhile. By staying indoors, you only fuel that inner fire of doubt. Realize that most people you encounter in public won't notice a difference; it's only a few people who see you often who really see a difference. Most likely, your close family and friends won't say much, if anything, concerning your new hair situation.
Perhaps the hardest part of balding is how one feels about himself. Baldness can lead to depression or depressive symptoms as men lose confidence. Often, men feel as if they are less attractive without hair, which doesn't have to be the case. Attractiveness is subjective. Some women and men alike enjoy men with less hair. It's possible you may become more attractive to some people without hair. Maintain confidence no matter how much hair you have, as people who truly care about you won't care about your hairstyle.
Some people may be insensitive to what you are going through. You may encounter jokes from friends or colleagues. However, don't take it to heart. If these people knew it really upset you, they would probably stop giving you a hard time. It's hard to shrug off the hurtful things people say, as some part of you may hold it as truth. However, for the sake of your self-esteem, brush off the negative comments and embrace the compliments.