Storing Your Family Medical History

Medical records are an important tool that the doctor uses when diagnosing any symptoms you may have. These records contain allergies, past illnesses and many other details that help the doctor make a determination. It is important you have easy access to this information so you can take it to an appointment with a new doctor or on a trip to the emergency room.


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      Gather your medical records and data. This includes a list of chronic illnesses, surgical history, medications and allergies. You also need to have a list of important phone numbers, such as therapists, specialists or family members to call in an emergency.

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      Compile this information into a one or two page document, that lists only the most relevant information about your medical history.

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      Choose the best way to store this information. There are computer programs that are available to store this information, along with iPhone apps. You can also choose to simply keep the document nearby, so you can take it to the hospital with you.

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