How to Lower a PSA Reading
Eat tomatoes or tomato sauce. Rich in lycopene, tomatoes cut PSA levels, as well as DNA damage in the prostate tissue. Aid cancer treatment by eating tomatoes. Use 30 mg a day in natural lycopene supplements as an alternative.
Take a Boron supplement. A study by M.T. Gallardo-Williams demonstrated that PSA levels in mice decreased by about 87 percent when injected with the supplement. Tumors shrank an average of 31.5 percent.
Drink green tea. Green tea has epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG that restrains PSA expression and inhibits prostate cancer cells. Scientists have had success with supplement tablets as well.
Take prescription medication. Medicines such as Avodart and Proscar cut your PSA levels by half. They do this by inhibiting an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that transforms testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Dihydrotestosterone's growth promoting effect on prostate cells is up to 10 times greater than that of testosterone.
Lower your overall and low-density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol. Researchers at Duke University discovered men with lower LDL and overall cholesterol levels also had lower PSA levels. Those taking prescription statins also experienced declines in their PSA levels.
Eat authentic Japanese cuisine, which is rich in phytoestrogens. Order or cook items such as natto (fermentedsoybeans), miso soup (soybean paste soup), aburaage (fried bean curd), kinako (soy flour), yuba (dried bean curd) or tonyu (soybean milk). Use soy sauce when possible.
Increase your soy consumption. If you favor domestic food, visit your local market and find soy products. You'll find green soybeans, bean sprouts, milk, cookies, garden burgers, meat, beans, nuts, tofu, and cake or pancake mixes.
Take a high-quality soy bread supplement. Scientists at Australia's Monash University saw a 12.7 percent reduction in PSA levels in men with prostate cancer who used soy bread supplements.