Ab Flex Exercises
The Corkscrew
The name of this ab flexing technique describes the exact motion that you will be using during this exercise. Lie down on your back with your lower back flat on the floor. Put your feet together and point your toes toward the ceiling. Raise your feet up until your hips are slightly off the ground. Use your arms to support yourself, and twist your legs slowly sideways alternating from left to right.
The Bicycle Maneuver
As the name suggests, this technique is just like riding a bicycle except without the handlebars. Lying on your back flat against the floor, start with your feet together. Bend your knees until your legs form a 45 degree angle. Your hands should be behind your head for support, as if you were going to do a sit up. Begin to pump your legs in the air as if you are pedaling a bicycle. As your left knee comes back toward you, touch your right elbow to it. Your left elbow should touch your right knee likewise. Repeat this in a steady, comfortable rhythm.
The most basic and well known of all ab workouts is the crunch technique. It is one of the most effective fat burners and ab shapers that you can do. Lie flat on your back and place your feet together. Bend your knees until your legs are at a 45 degree angle. As with the bicycle maneuver, your hands should be behind your head in a sit up-like position. Lift your upper torso toward your knees. You do not need to touch your elbows to your knees with this one, but try to keep your lower back as flat as possible.
Jack Knife
The jack knife technique is also known as the U-Shape ab flex exercise. It is very effective for developing both lower and upper ab muscles. Begin by lying flat on the floor with your legs straight out, feet together. Straighten your arms above your head, so that your body is in a straight line. Slowly lift your arms and legs into the air until they are pointing at the ceiling, forming your body into a U-shape. Lower your limbs into their original position slowly and repeat the process.