What Are Cross Trainers For?

Cross trainers, also known as elliptical machines, are cardiovascular fitness machines that combine the biomechanical movements of a stair climber, treadmill and exercise bike into one. Exercisers reap the benefits of hiking, running and walking, and biking in one workout session. Cross trainers will get the heart pumping, blood flowing, and will help improve overall health and wellness.
  1. How it Works

    • The elliptical machine is made up of two swing-like leg and arm handles. As the feet and hands move in natural walking or running patterns, the swings move back and forth in an elongated ellipsis or oval pattern. The person on the cross trainer can control the resistance, speed, and intensity of the workout. Based on these settings, the machine will adjust to work the desired parts of the body such as gluteals, quadriceps, and hamstrings. It is also a cardiovascular exercise and will burn fat.

    Fitness Benefits

    • Cross trainers can work the lower body and upper body. The legs are constantly in motion so the lower body will always get worked. The arm handles are optional for the user. By gripping the arm handles and adding movement to the upper body, the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back and abdominals will be worked as well. The goal of any cardiovascular machine is to increase the heart rate and burn fat. The elliptical trainer does all those things.


    • Elliptical trainers offer a non-impact cardiovascular workout. The biomechanics of the elliptical are similar to that of jogging, yet without the constant wear and tear on the joints of the body. This is extremely beneficial to people who are overweight, injured or have a chronic disease such as arthritis. The elliptical machine is not going to hurt them the way the shock of jogging and running would.

    Machine Types

    • A variety of elliptical machines are available to the general public for purchase. Commercial-grade machines are top-of-the-line machines and they are the most expensive. These machines are what would be found in health clubs and gyms. Machines meant for home use are not constructed as well because they are not to be used repetitively. Home-grade machines cost significantly less than commercial-grade machines, but they offer the same benefits to the consumer.

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