How to Improve a Man's Health
Get a physical. Stop procrastinating and see your doctor to get your annual physical. He'll be able to tell you what you need to do in order to keep yourself physically healthy. He'll also alert you to any potential medical issues and what you need to do to fix them. These may include beginning a weight loss program, having any suspicious skin abnormalities checked and alerting you to any health issues such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure.
Get active. Incorporating 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity in your daily life will help you lose weight, lower your cholesterol, reduce your stress and ward off illness. This activity can range from going for brisk walks to beginning a cardiovascular and resistance training program at your local gym.
Eat better. Cut junk food out of your diet in order to increase your energy level, maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of certain cancers. Stop regularly eating sweets, fried foods and fast food. Incorporate fresh, healthy foods into your diet, such as lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats.
Prioritize your time. Don't be a workaholic, but don't be lazy either. Develop a sense of balance in your life so that you don't become overwhelmed by your responsibilities. Make time for your friends, family and for you. At the same time, be dedicated to your job yet don't let it be all you ever do or think about. Balancing work, family and friends as well as making time for yourself will help you be mentally and emotionally healthy.
Seek counseling. Keeping negative emotions bottled up inside you will only make you emotionally unhealthy. If you have unresolved emotional issues, marriage issues or struggles with depression or anxiety, seek help through counseling before trying to medicate the pain away. Having a trained professional to talk to can help you become emotionally healthy.