Description of Pediatricians
Compared to other medical specialties, pediatrics is fairly new. Pediatrician Dr. Abraham Jacobi is often called the father of American pediatrics. The first pediatrics hospital in the United States opened in 1855 in Philadelphia.
Providing medical care to children is different than treating adults. Pediatricians take into account the growth and developmental stages---both physical and mental---of children at each age.
There are many types of pediatric subspecialists---including pediatric allergists, dermatologists, dentists, surgeons, sports medicine specialists, neurologists, plastic surgeons, urologists, otolaryngologists and orthopaedists.
Many parents locate a local pediatrician by consulting neighbors, friends or their own general practitioner. You can also access a list of pediatricians by area at the American Academy of Pediatrics web site.
Pediatricians who are certified by the American Board of Pediatrics must pass a certification exam and peer evaluation. Most board-certified pediatricians are also members of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). "FAAP" after a pediatrician's name means he or she is a Fellow of the AAP.
Famous Ties
Dr. Benjamin Spock (1903 to 1998) was one of the most well-known pediatricians. His book, "Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care," has sold millions of copies since its original publication in 1946.