Sensory Processing Disorder Symptoms
Stimulation Response
Children with sensory processing disorder may be overly responsive to stimuli, or not responsive enough. One child avoids contact with the outside world, while the other seeks constant stimulation.
Tactile Symptoms
These children may be overly sensitive to certain types of tactile stimulation, such as disliking the texture of certain fabrics, or of other substances such as mud or clay.
Auditory Symptoms
The child with sensory processing disorder may not respond consistently to speech, or may not be able to figure out where a sound is coming from. He might cry when he hears certain sounds, like a hair dryer; or, in contrast, he might really like loud noises.
Taste Symptoms
Sensory processing disorder can cause a heightened sense of taste, and the child might be willing to eat only a limited number of foods. She also might lick on inedible items such as fabric.
Visual Symptoms
A child with visual processing problems may be unable to put puzzles together, or may have trouble using words to identify objects. He might dislike colorful rooms, or may have problems seeing the difference between shapes and sizes.
Movement Symptoms
Children with sensory processing disorder might enjoy the extra stimulation from spinning around, or conversely, may dislike merry-go-rounds and other amusement park rides. They also might be able to use both hands equally well for coloring, printing letters and throwing a ball.