How to Help Children Take Cod Liver Oil Supplements
Purchase natural high vitamin cod liver oil liquid, preferably in a flavor such as orange oslo, which makes it easier for children to swallow. Look for recommended brands on the non-profit Weston A. Price Foundation website.
Start young. As soon as an infant is ready to eat solid foods, offer small tastes of cod liver oil to get him used to the taste and texture and reap the benefits of cod liver oil as early as possible.
Make a tradition out of cod liver oil. Children love routine. Offer cod liver oil--and take yours--at the same time of day, such as after breakfast.
Help children take cod liver oil supplements by getting them used to the texture and flavor. Allow them just to taste it for the first couple times, and let them watch you take your cod liver oil with a smile.
Pour the cod liver oil dose into the child's favorite spoon. Direct the child to open his mouth, and pour the cod liver oil from the spoon into the back of the child's mouth, where there are fewer taste buds.
Offer him or her a chewable children's multivitamin or chewable vitamin C. Following the cod liver oil with a more pleasant-tasting supplement will give him a better association with "Oil Time!"