How to Help the Make a Wish Foundation
Give money. Go to Make a Wish Foundation's website and find the donate page. Choose $30, $60, $115 or other. Select which type of donation you are making. Choose general donation, memorial, honor, or monthly donation and press "Go." Select which Make a Wish organization you wish the money to go to. Choose a local chapter, the international branch or the General Make A Wish Foundation. Then follow the directions to give the donation.
Volunteer for Make a Wish Foundation. Choose a volunteer area such as volunteering at an event, planning an event, in the language interpretation department, office help, professional service, public speaking and advocacy department or by granting wishes. Go to Make a Wish Foundation's website and fill in the volunteer information or call Make a Wish.
Donate frequent flyer miles, building material, electronics or other goods and services needed to make a wish come true.
Shop to help Make a Wish Foundation. Visit one of the many companies that donate to Make A Wish Foundation every time you shop at their store. Visit Make a Wish Foundation's website for a complete list of stores. Cold Stone Creamery, Lays Potato Chips, Things Remembered and several others have joined forces with Make a Wish to make wishes come true.
Help in one of the several other ways. You can leave a legacy by including Make a Wish in your trust or will. Fundraise for Make a Wish. Fund a wish in its entirety for a child with an illness. Become a corporate sponsor.