How to Treat a Baby's Fever
Take the temperature using a quality, reliable thermometer. The temperature can be taken in the bottom (rectally), by mouth (orally) or under the arm (auxiliary). See "How to Take a Baby's Temperature," under Related eHows.
Consider your baby's overall condition. Doctors use to consider the temperature, now look at factors such as appetite, thirst and skin color. Also, your child's pediatrician will ask about his temperament, inquiring whether he seems typically happy or out of sorts.
Keep your child cool and hydrated. A bath in lukewarm water, lightweight clothing and plenty of fluids will comfort your baby.
Stay in until the fever comes down. Keep baby in the house, avoiding visitors and vigorous activity because rest is very important to heal. Use this time to spend quality time with your baby reading books, singing songs and playing with blocks or other quiet toys.