What does Spina Bifida Occulta mean for a 10 year old child?
In spina bifida occulta, the spinal cord and nerves are usually normal, and most people with this condition do not have any symptoms or problems. However, some people with spina bifida occulta may experience:
* Back pain
* Leg pain
* Numbness or tingling in the legs or feet
* Weakness in the legs or feet
* Problems with bladder or bowel control
In most cases, spina bifida occulta is not a serious condition and does not require treatment. However, if you or your child is experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it is important to see a doctor to rule out other potential causes and to discuss treatment options.
A 10-year-old child with spina bifida occulta will typically need:
* Regular checkups with a doctor
* Physical therapy to help strengthen the muscles around the spine
* Occupational therapy to help improve coordination and fine motor skills
* Special education services to help address any learning disabilities
With proper care, most children with spina bifida occulta can live full and active lives.