What to look for on a ultrasound scan boy?

There are a few things to look for on an ultrasound scan to determine the sex of a baby boy.

Nub theory

• At 11-14 weeks, the angle at which the fetal pole meets the body is different in male and female fetuses – 30 degrees or below is male, 30 degrees and above is female.

Skull shape

• Boy fetuses tend to have a squarer skull, while girl fetuses tend to have a rounder skull.


• Boy fetuses often have a more defined jawline than girl fetuses.


• Boy fetuses often have thicker, more prominent eyebrows than girl fetuses.


• Boy fetuses often have a slightly upturned nose, while girl fetuses tend to have a straighter nose.


• Boy fetuses often have larger, fuller lips than girl fetuses.

Hands and feet

• Boy fetuses often have larger hands and feet than girl fetuses.


• Boy fetuses often have longer legs than girl fetuses.


• The most obvious way to determine the sex of a baby is by looking at the genitals. Boy fetuses will have a penis and scrotum, while girl fetuses will have a clitoris and labia.

It is important to note that these are just general trends and that not all fetuses will display all of these characteristics. The most accurate way to determine the sex of a baby is by asking the doctor or sonographer during an ultrasound scan.

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