How to Find a Pediatrician in Australia
Use online search tools. Sites such as HealthEngine Australia will help you find a particular specialist such as a pediatrician in your city or postal code. Enter the type of specialist you need, your city or postal code and click "Search." HealthEngine provides a list of pediatricians in your area; if the database has no entries for your particular area, the tool allows you to search nearby towns as well.
Search resources from local children's hospitals. If you are new to a neighborhood and need a pediatrician, calling the local children's hospital is one way to find a pediatrician quickly, according to Australian parenting website Raising Children Network. Children's hospitals like the Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne also offer resources on their websites.
Contact professional groups. Professional membership organizations for pediatricians in Australia are a good source to visit when looking for a pediatrician. For example, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians has a special division focused on pediatrics and child health that represents the needs of all Australian pediatricians. Because professional groups such as the RACP work with pediatricians daily, contacting the division and asking about resources to find local pediatricians will help in your search.
Ask a nurse. If you are having trouble finding a pediatrician, contact your local community health nurse, says Raising Children Network. Most community health nurses are aware of all of the pediatricians practicing in a given community, so asking for help in finding your child a doctor is a simple thing to do.