How to Find a Board-Certified General Pediatrician
Use resources developed by professional groups. Because professional organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics promote board certification among its members, using search tools developed by member organizations is a straightforward way to find a certified general pediatrician. AAP built a special site for parents ( that allows you to enter your zip code to view a list of board-certified pediatricians in your area (see the first link in the Reference section). You may also check your state's chapter of the AAP for a directory of board-certified pediatricians in your state.
Ask your health insurer. Health insurance providers maintain detailed directories of doctors who accept your health insurance and serve within the company's network of trusted physicians. Most health insurers have searchable directories posted on their websites; you may also call the customer service number on your health insurance member card to ask for help in finding a board-certified general pediatrician in your area.
Speak with your family and friends for recommendations. Although your friends, neighbors or relatives may not be aware of whether a pediatrician they recommend holds board certification, it is simple to check using resources hosted by the American Board of Pediatrics. Once you have developed a list of pediatricians recommended by friends, coworkers or family members, check each doctor's credentials through the certification board. A Web-based tool entitled "Is Your Pediatrician Certified?" (see the third link in Reference section) on the home page allows you to verify board certification online; you may also contact the board's offices for help.