Pediatric Earache Relief
Baby Oil
You can treat your child's earache with some baby oil. Using either the microwave or a cup of hot water, warm up the baby oil so that it is warm--not hot. You can use your wrist to check the hotness much like you would a bottle. Have your child lay with his head on a pillow in your lap. Take a dropper and put five drops of baby oil into the ear that hurts. Lightly rub the ear canal and allow the oil to soothe the ache. This remedy can be repeated every few hours.
Ginger is a natural pain reliever. You can use the juice from ginger to relieve earache pain. You will need to either grate the ginger or put it through a juicer to get the juice. Warm the juice, making sure that it does not get too hot. Use a dropper and put four drops of ginger into the ear canal and have the child lie on his side for 10 minutes to allow the juice to soothe the earache.
You can use heat to rid your child of earache pain. Using a rice pack or a hot water bottle or a heated towel will work. Have your child lie so that the ear that is hurting her is facing up. Make sure that the item you are using to provide heat is warm but not hot. Place it under the child's ear over the ear canal. Allow this to sit for around 20 minutes so that your child's earache pain is relieved. You can use this treatment as often as necessary to relieve your child's ear pain.
You may need to use more than one strategy to relieve your child's earache pain. If you try several things and the pain is still not abating, you may need to take your child to see a medical professional.