What Pediatricians Do
Examines Baby at Birth
A pediatrician will examine your baby usually within 48 hours before you leave the hospital to ensure the baby is healthy. If there are any concerns the pediatrician will address them before you leave the hospital.
Specializes in Childhood Illnesses
A pediatrician specializes in keeping babies and children healthy. He studies and understands childhood physical and mental development and illnesses. He is well educated in genetic birth defects and ailments that happen only to infants and children.
Well Child Check-Ups
Your pediatrician will examine your baby at regular checkups to make sure she is growing properly, mentally and physically. A pediatrician can recognize problems in growth or mental development and provide medical attention before it becomes too serious.
At a well-child check up, your pediatrician will physically measure your baby's height, weight and skull circumference. She will check all your baby's vital statistics. She will supervise the administration of any immunizations your baby needs.
Advises on Normal Development
At each doctor appointment, your pediatrician will explain what types of mental and physical development you should be expecting at what age for your child. For example, your baby should start sitting up or crawling at a certain time. He will let you know if your baby is behind schedule and do tests to find out why.
Discuss and Advise
Your pediatrician can advise you on what is normal in child behavior at certain ages. A pediatrician can continue to help advise you and your child into her teens. If you have any concerns in development or behavior you can discuss them with your pediatrician.