How to Promote Optimum Health for All Children
Give children healthy foods from a variety of food groups. Children need lots of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean protein and carbohydrates. Processed, packaged and fatty foods not only give them little nutrition, but can lead to childhood obesity and diabetes.
Vaccinate children. Inoculations help children avoid life-threatening and debilitating diseases. Although some parents who focus on natural and holistic medicine occasionally have reservations about vaccines, immunizations are clinically proven effective at preventing children from unnecessarily suffering from serious illnesses. Additionally, when entire communities receive vaccinations, they can end the spread and propagation of disease.
Keep children active. Physical activity is critical to anyone's health, but especially children. In fact, a healthy child should have plenty of energy to burn. Although special needs children may not be able to exercise or participate in the same activities as other kids, there are always activities they can do. Physicians and rehabilitation therapists can help parents develop ways to keep their children active.
Pay attention. Positive adult attention helps children learn and develop healthy emotions and psyches. Through interaction, modeling and teaching, adults help children discover their world. This includes facilitating activities, engaging in discussion and validating children to boost their self-esteem.
Give affection. All humans need love, but especially young children who don't have the means or understanding to form their own relationships. Children need unconditional love -- ideally from parents and grandparents. This is important for promoting both physical and mental health. Affection is critical to the development of healthy characters and emotional outlooks.
Facilitate social opportunities with other children. Social interaction makes for happier children. Happier children are healthier children. Playing also provides physical activity. Social development is an important part of becoming a high-functioning, well-adjusted adult.