Indoor Activities for Older Women
Just because you are not able to get to the gym doesn't mean that you aren't able to exercise. Buy an exercise mat, plop it in the middle of your living room and do yoga. If you don't know how, buy a DVD and watch it. It guides you through the postures and breathing techniques. Invite one of your friends to join you. When you are watching TV, lift a three- or five-pound hand weight. This keeps your arms in good shape. Get yourself a treadmill and use it.
Play bridge or canasta, or any type of card game that you enjoy. Start up a card club and meet every week or as often as you choose. This provides you with socialization opportunities that are extremely important in maintaining your mental and physical health. Isolation is not beneficial. You need to interact with others on a regular basis.
Knit, Crochet, Quilt or Weave
Take up knitting or crocheting. If you don't know how, find someone who does. This keeps your hands busy. If you are afflicted with arthritis, there are knitting and crocheting tools specifically designed for you. If you like to sew but haven't been sewing because of arthritis, there are sewing accessories available for those who don't have the agility in their hands that they once did. Same goes for quilters. Consider taking up quilting. Get a loom and a teacher and get going.
Do you have a piano? Play it. If you don't know how, find yourself a piano teacher. It's never too late to learn. Entertain your family the next time they come over.
Reading is one of the greatest pleasures in the world. Join a book club and have books sent to your house every month, or join a book club that actually meets in person once a week. If you are not able to get out, have them come to your house. Get a library card and go to the library.
Take up scrapbooking. Collect all the photographs that you have taken over the years but never got around to putting in a photo album. Get some scrapbooking materials, accessories and glue and have at it. Your family is going to love looking at your scrapbooks, which also make great gifts.
Learn how to paint using oil paint, acrylics or other mediums such as pastels and watercolors. Once again, if you don't know how to paint, find an instructor. Alternately, order instruction books that teach you what you need to know. Buy some canvases, some paint brushes and while away the cold winter days painting. You are not being tested on your artistic skills; anything that you manage to create is more than satisfactory.
Get involved in genealogy. Hook up with one of the genealogy sites online, which requires that you have a computer and the Internet, and delve into this adventure. You are going to find out some fascinating things about your ancestors and meet some new people, and relatives, in the process.