Emotional Effects of Retirement

Retirement can affect individuals on an emotional level. With more Americans living longer, the periods of retirement are in longer stretches, which can lead to more emotional effects. Though retirement should be a time for seniors to let go of worries, certain emotional issues can arise that tarnish this time.
  1. Feeling of Isolation

    • When individuals work, they have a reason to leave the house and be social with others. Though they may not enjoy working, it is still a reason to interact with other people on a daily basis. Upon retirement many retirees begin to feel isolated from the rest of the world. Without that obligation to leave home and interact with others or even have the opportunity to get out and interact with others, many feel they are isolated socially.


    • Depression can be a common problem among retirees. Though retirees spend their time planning financially for the change into retirement, they do not tend to plan emotionally. Once retired, some individuals feel they will lose their purpose without a job to report to. Feelings of isolation and stress over financial matters can also lead to feelings of depression in retirees. Some retirees feel as though they have nothing to look forward to such as a job, promotion or making a new purchase once they have entered into retirement, which can lead to further depression.

    Anxiety and Boredom

    • Just like depression, some retirees may fall into anxiety or simply boredom due to retirement. This can be caused by not planning well financially for their retirement and finding an added level of stress about how to survive financially without any incoming funds on a regular basis. Some retirees will find that they are anxious or bored with so much free time, especially if friends and family are busy with children, work and social activities.

    Marital Friction

    • Couples that are married and retire together often are faced with a new set of challenges. Now rather than having time to get out and socialize at work or having time to themselves, they are around each other more often. Simple duties around the house, who plans finances or spending time together can become difficult if two retirees do not share common interests. Frequent time together and lack of privacy can also cause a strain in the marriage and ultimately lead to bickering or friction.

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