How Do I Assist the Elderly in Daily Activities?
Bathing Assistance
Bathing is a private event, and you should make all attempts to protect the modesty of your friend or family member. Help by gathering all of the items he needs, including soap, shampoo and towels. Place the soap and shampoo in the shower and the towels nearby. In order to ensure safety, place a slip-proof mat on the floor of the shower. You can also install a chair or safety rails in the shower. Help the person by turning the water to a comfortable temperature. If necessary, help him into the shower and help wash as necessary. Use a washcloth and soap to clean any regions he may have trouble reaching.
Eating Assistance
Eating and cooking can be a difficult task for the elderly. Offer to cook meals in advance and store them in easy-to-open containers. Be sure to precut foods as well so that your friend or family member will not have to. If you are available while she is eating, make sure your friend or family member has any eyeglasses or dentures she may need. Be sure to give her silverware with a grip, and place everything on the table within reach.
Medical Assistance
It is important that an elderly friend or family member is getting the appropriate medical care he needs. Be sure to keep track of medications and doctor's appointments. Offer to accompany him to the doctor's office and to help him with any routine medical care -- including checking blood sugar levels if he is diabetic. If your friend or family member is experiencing pain or discomfort, call his doctor or visit an emergency room if you believe it is necessary. Educate yourself about any conditions he may have. This will allow you to be a responsible caregiver.
Other Considerations
There are other conditions that should be taken into account when caring for the elderly. Another way you can help comes in the form of assistive devices. You can arrange for communication equipment used to alert authorities in the event of an emergency. You can also modify the home in order to make it easier for the elderly person to maneuver around her house and use the restroom. Mobility aids -- walkers, wheelchairs and stair lifts -- can also help her maintain some of her independence.