Differences in Living Arrangements for the Elderly

Living options for the elderly vary and can be customized with the elderly person's needs in mind. Having choices on how he can live as he ages can reassure an elderly person that he will be as comfortable as possible and live the lifestyle that he chooses. An elderly person can change her living options as her aging progresses and new needs for care present themselves.
  1. In-Home Assistance

    • Staying in their own home.

      Seniors can live at home with health aids coming in to give them care. Seniors can also redesign their home to have handicapped access. Caregivers can work with the couple for as long as they can safely live in the home. Hospice nurses serve even the terminally ill and dying patients who want to remain in their own home as long as possible.

    Home Providers

    • Living with home providers allows a senior to live with a family who tends to her needs.

      Home providers are families who are willing to care for people who are not related to them. The senior lives with the home providers in a state-approved home and receives care from them. In return, the home providers receive a stipend for working with the senior. Home providers are usually contracted for a year at a time.

    Assisted Living Apartments Designed for the Elderly

    • Senior apartments allow the elderly to live on their own with assistance.

      Apartments designed for the elderly have handicapped facilities so that the elderly can move around comfortably. The elderly person also gets care from on-site staff who respond to emergency calls and check on the individual. The staff can also assist with everything from doctors appointments to cooking or shopping, if need be.

    Nursing Homes

    • People with special nursing needs can live in nursing homes.

      People who need heavy nursing care due to health issues and decline in mobility often live in nursing homes. There, they can have around-the-clock staffing and nursing at all times. Nursing homes can be costly due to the cost of staffing and operating the facilities.

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