Important Vitamin Information for Elder Americans
Special Needs
As people age, their bodies become less efficient in using vitamins. Some medical conditions deplete the body of needed vitamins and minerals. Also, some medicines deplete needed nutrients. The Vitamin and Nutrition Center states that up to two-thirds of the elderly admitted to the hospital are undernourished. Due to all of these issues, many elderly people need vitamin supplements.
Vitamins for the Elderly
Elderly persons often need extra D and K vitamins. Vitamin D, in combination with calcium, helps to strengthen bones. Vitamin K assists the heart and blood's clotting ability. A lack of vitamin K has also been linked to onset of Alzheimer's disease. While K has not been proven to prevent early onset, it is still beneficial to take. Vitamins A and C are mostly found in vegetables and fruits. A supplement with A and C is also needed, as many elderly people lack these foods in their diets.
Minerals for the Elderly
It is suggested that elderly individuals take extra folic acid, as it has been linked to prevention of cancer. Iron supplementation can prevent fatigue and improve oxygen transportation between cells. Senior women do not need as much iron as they did in their younger years. Magnesium is needed in the elderly for heart function, heart rhythm, muscles, and nerve function. Calcium supplements are suggested for strong bones, and to work in conjunction with vitamin D.
Medical Requirements
Check with your doctor before taking any nutritional supplements. Specific medical conditions can call for more or less of a specific vitamin. Some vitamins should be avoided. For example, those with bleeding disorders should avoid extra vitamin E. Also, some medicines and vitamins interact, so consult your physician. Ask your doctor for a list of needed vitamins, minerals, and the proper amounts to consume.