Signs of Old Age
One of the first visible signs of aging can be the change in a person's appearance. Wrinkles will become deeper and more defined, covering not only the face but the rest of the body, particularly around the hands, feet and neck. Hair will eventually turn gray, grow thinner and will not grow as quickly. For many men and even some women, gradual but complete hair loss also will take place. Some aged people also will become shorter, losing a few inches of height as muscle volume decreases and bones compress.
Many of the common diseases associated with aging have adverse effects on mobility, resulting in the need for walking assistance via a walking stick, a zimmer frame or, in some cases, a wheelchair. According to The Doctor Will See You Now website, sarcopenia, a condition associated with aging, causes a loss of muscle content that in turn reduces mobility. Similarly, arthritis and osteoporosis are two other common complaints among the elderly, both of which make it increasingly uncomfortable, painful and unsafe to move around freely.
Another sign of old age is the development of an increasing susceptibility to common colds, the flu and any other infections prevalent at the time. As the body ages, the immune system becomes weaker and less able to fight off infections. This means that common illnesses like the flu can be potentially dangerous and even life-threatening to the elderly. This risk is heightened when an elderly person is fighting another disease such as cancer, therefore further weakening the immune system.
Old age also can bring with it an increased sense of tiredness and fatigue. People of or nearing an elderly age tend to have less energy, and require more time to rest and sleep. Loss of appetite and weight loss also are common signs of old age as can be the propensity to experience lower moods, anxiety and memory loss.