Recreational Leisure Activities for Seniors in Group Homes
Celebrate the birthdays of each senior resident to help build strong relationships and create a festive atmosphere. Some seniors may be able to contribute with making a cake, decorating the dining room and wrapping gifts. Holiday celebrations, such as Thanksgiving or Mother's Day, are also important in a group home environment when seniors are away from family and friends. Whether it's a secular or religious holiday, make sure your group home celebrates it.
Arts and Crafts
Arts-and-craft activities don't have to be complicated and can be easily modified for your senior residents. Sketching, painting and collaging, for example, are popular activities for group homes as they don't require any specialist skills or materials. Card-making is also easy to carry out and can be linked to birthday or holiday celebrations at a group home. If any of your senior residents have sewing or knitting experience, set up an afternoon club where they can make blankets or small items of clothing.
As musical events can be enjoyed actively or passively, they can be a great source of fun in a group home. Find out your seniors' favorite artists and have a sing-along, led by a volunteer or a caregiver. Alternatively, dedicate one afternoon per week and gather residents together to watch an old musical. Another idea is to host your own senior prom and encourage residents to spend an evening dancing and having fun. Residents who are physically unable to dance can decide on music and take photographs to remember the evening.
Outdoor activities can be enjoyed by all residents, regardless of any condition or disorder. Whether it's just sitting in the sunshine or planting flowers in the garden, take the opportunity to get residents outside their home. A community barbecue in the garden can be a good way to celebrate a birthday or holiday. If volunteers' assistance can be arranged, take residents on a trip to a community event, local market or even to a nearby park.