Tips on Elderly Care & the Cold

Learn how seniors stay safe in the cold winter months by following tips on elderly care and the cold. In areas such as Florida, where a true freeze is rare, seniors need extra help to survive the cold snap. Caregivers aid seniors by encouraging layered dressing for maximum warmth, inquiring about meals and checking any answers, since age brings forgetfulness to many seniors.
  1. Health Safety Tips

    • Communicate with the health professional responsible for caring for the senior members of your family to gain an accurate picture of their health and learn vital details such as the dates of upcoming influenza shots. Many seniors with blood pressure issues score higher readings during cold weather. This rise leads to a higher risk for stroke. Arrange for frequent blood pressure checks, or self-monitoring, if you family member is vulnerable. Jim Miller, editor of the Savvy Senior column informs us, "a common problem among the elderly is broken hips, which happen more frequently in winter due wet and slippery conditions." To help prevent falls, install hand support bars in areas of high risk, such as steps in front of outside doors and bathrooms. Encourage seniors to stay home in freezing weather conditions and during the hours of darkness.

    Home Safety Tips

    • Electricity, heating, lighting and food deliveries are all part of the support system seniors need to be comfortable and safe during the cold months. If you are out of town for a day or longer, arrange for regular checks on the health and well being of a senior living alone. Ask neighbors and other family members to check on seniors during the winter months. Jim Miller, editor of the Savvy Senior column, tells us, "People age 65 and older are three times more likely to die or be injured in a home fire as those younger." Before the winter sets in, service any heating devices and consider changing over to a safer power source if household appliances are fueled by kerosene or wood. The reduced ventilation in winterized homes, combined with faulty appliances, leads to the build-up of carbon monoxide gas. Install a fire extinguisher and teach your family member how to use it. Replace the batteries in carbon monoxide and smoke detectors and provide spares within easy reach.

    Auto Safety Tips

    • Caregivers for seniors who use their own vehicles to visit the doctor and shop for food must ensure this vital asset remains available to them in the cold weather. Jim Miller, editor of the Savvy Senior column, advises that vehicles should be serviced and winterized so they're ready for winter driving and winter road conditions. Include items like checks on tire tread and air pressure, examination of radiator anti-freeze levels, inspection of all hoses and belts, an oil change, a windshield-wiper inspection and fluid top-up and a battery test. Useful additions to a senior's vehicle include blankets, a spare, charged mobile phone battery, a flashlight and batteries, water and non-perishable food bars.

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