How to Pick a Medigap Plan
Go to the "Medigap (Supplemental Insurance) Policies" section of the U.S. government's official Medicare website. Click on the "Choosing a Medigap Policy: A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare" link in the center of the page. Click on "View Adobe pdf" to pull up a document on "Choosing a Medigap Policy."
Scroll through to page 9 of the guide, where you'll find the section that explains Medigap. Read about the basics of Medigap and then use the page-down key on your keyboard until you reach page 15 of the guide, where you can review plans effective on or after June 1, 2010.
Go to pages 49-50 of the guide and find the telephone number for your state's Health Insurance Assistance program. Call your state program for information on which of the plans is available in your state and application details. Choose the plan that best fits your needs, based on your discussion with a state health insurance representative.