Are Tri-Focal Glasses the Same as Progressive Glasses?
Less expensive tri-focal glasses predate progressive lens glasses. Tri-focals fuse three lens segments of different focal strengths together. Progressive lenses include all the corrective strengths between the wearer's distance- and near-vision prescriptions in one solid lens.
Tri-focal glasses show lines between the different segments. Progressive lenses look just like single-strength prescription glasses.
Ease Of Use
Most people need an adjustment period to get used to wearing tri-focals or progressive lens glasses. With tri-focals, the jump in focal strength between segments can seem abrupt at first. Progressive lenses change strength gradually, meaning that from near to far, there are no interruptions in the wearer's field of vision. The disadvantage of progressive lenses is a decrease in peripheral vision through the lower portion of the lenses. Most people easily and instinctively compensate for it, however.