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How to Receive a Lifeline Application
The Lifeline service is a medical alert system manufactured and provided by the Philips company. The company's most popular items are personal help buttons. These buttons are wearable, available in either a necklace or watch. If the wearer falls and needs assistance, she can push the button and emergency-response professionals will come. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. The easiest way for a prospective buyer to apply for this is service is to request a free information packet.Instructions
Visit the Lifeline Homepage at lifelinesys.com. If you don't have Internet access, you can call a Lifeline representative at 1-800-380-3111 to discuss applying for a Lifeline service.
Click on the "Sign Up For Service" tab located in the left-hand menu pane if you are accessing the information online.
Click on "Order a Free Information Kit" if you would like more information about the Lifeline system before applying for the service. Type in your contact information and click "Send." Your information kit will arrive in five to seven business days.
Review your information kit when you receive it in the mail.
Follow the provided instructions and call a Lifeline representative to apply for the Lifeline system.