Gym Ball Exercises for Senior Adults
Throwing & Catching
Try all foam ball exercises while sitting in a stable, armless chair to ensure that you do not lose your balance. You may move to a standing position after you feel comfortable performing the exercises while seated. Start your first exercise with the foam gym ball by throwing the ball into the air above your head with one hand and catching it in the same hand. According to the exercise handbook "Reach For It," you will want to increase the height you throw the ball progressively and repeat this exercise from 5 to 8 times. Next, throw the ball with one hand and catch it with the other. This will help to strengthen hand-eye coordination along with your sense of balance.
While sitting in the armless chair, take the foam ball and, using your fingertips, roll the ball down the front of your leg as far as you can go. Then roll the ball back up your leg. According to "Reach For It," you need to repeat this step on your other leg and perform this exercise 5 to 8 times. Next, take the ball and using your fingertips, roll the ball up your arm, around the back of your neck, and, switching hands, roll the ball slowly down your other arm. Repeat this process from your other arm and back from 5 to 8 times.
Arm Circles
Another exercise with a gym ball, according to Live Well Age Well, is to sit in an armless chair with the foam gym ball in both hands and raise your hands directly above your head with your arms fully extended and elbows slightly bent. Imagine the face of a large clock in front of you. With your arms held in the 12 o' clock position, slowly rotate the ball in clockwise rotation in a smooth motion until you return to the 12 o' clock position. Repeat this exercise 8 times.