Aqua Yoga Exercises
Mountain (Tadasana)
With feet together, hands hanging at your sides and your eyes focused forward, complete these exercises: raise toes and fan them, return them to pool floor. Next, feel your outer heel, the ball of your foot and your toes as they rest against the pool floor; this is the awareness portion of the exercise, requiring no movement.
Tilt your pubic bones forward slightly before raising your chest up, then outward. While still in this pose, raise your head up. Now lift your skull base toward the roof or sky, which will lengthen your neck. Stretch your pinkie fingers downward as you stretch the index fingers on each hand upward. Now move to leg positions, first pressing your feet downward into the pool floor before raising the leg calves, then thighs, one at a time. Breathe, hold each pose five to 10 breathes, relax and repeat with the other leg. Raise your arms above your head, lower after last breath of the exercise for that leg. Relax and then repeat with the other leg. Five repetitions should be performed.
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
The warrior II aqua yoga exercise strengthens both your arms and legs in addition to improving your balance and concentration, according to the Yoga Site. Place your feet about 4 to 5 feet apart. Move right foot 45 degrees to your left as you also move your left foot 90 degrees left. The left foot should be pointed straight out to your side. Now bend your left leg slightly, but be sure to keep the knee parallel with the floor and right above your ankle (not in front of it, as that would be too much of a stretch). You should experience only a slight stretch, nothing too uncomfortable. Raise your hands and arms above your head; lower them slowly, with the left one going straight out in front of you and the right arm pointing back. Breathe deeply four to five times and bring feet together before reversing the position.
Tree Pose (Virkshansana)
With feet together, hands clasped in a prayer position in front of the chest, shift your body's weight to your left leg. Lifting your right leg, place the sole of your right foot against the inner thigh area of your left leg, slightly above the knee area. Continue to face forward as your right knee faces toward the right. Keep your hips level and then raise both arms above your head, still maintaining the prayer pose as you do. Repeat exercise for your other leg.