Exercise Tips for Seniors
Start Slow
No matter what age you are, starting slowly is necessary to a successful exercise routine. Seniors need to begin any exercise routine with small steps to allow the muscles time to adapt. If you decide on walking as your exercise, start by walking one or two blocks and build up slowly each day.
Stretching the arms, legs and neck allows seniors to improve flexibility. Stretching also warms the muscles before exercise. Simple bends at the waist or stretching your arms and legs allows joints and muscles time to warm up. Stretching after exercise transitions the joints and muscles from exercise to a cool down.
Low Impact
Low impact exercises such as walking or swimming are easier on the joints, making them ideal for seniors. Water provides resistance for strength building and aerobic exercise such as gardening, housework or dancing improve heart rate and breathing.
Strength Training
Lifting weights strengthens arm and leg muscles, and for women it also builds bone density. The stronger your arms and legs, the easier it is to use stairs and pick up heavy items such as grocery bags. Strength building also helps with balance. By keeping the muscles strong you decrease the chances you'll fall and injure yourself.
Always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine. Your doctor knows your health and medications and can guide you in the proper exercise for your lifestyle.