Funny Ways to Keep Organized While Getting Older and Absent-Minded
Stay Mentally Active
Forcing your brain and mind to interact with certain stimuli significantly improves your memory and ability to stay organized. The key here is to do, read, watch and interact with something that is perhaps new or different to your everyday routine; this challenges your brain and keeps you mentally active. Perhaps read a section of the newspaper you usually skip or try watching a program you don't normally follow. Read comic strips, comedy books or by watching stand-up routines and sketch shows.
Socializing with Friends
Social interaction directly helps in the prevention of stress and depression, both of which can lead to memory loss and disorganization. If you can get together with close friends and family, then do so; tell jokes and swap funny stories to really make the socializing enjoyable. If you are ever invited to events and social occasions, always try your best to attend; the interaction is good for your health, and there almost always will be something fun and funny going on as well.
Types of Humor
The science behind therapeutic humor is that it prevents the feeling of loneliness and sadness, which can cause severe memory loss. However, not all styles of humor will be for you, so try to do more of what makes you laugh the most. If it means making up your own jokes to share, then do so; otherwise, you should always be in search of more of what tickles your funny bones. Use online video sites, such as YouTube and the Internet Movie Database, or IMDB, to find similar or recommended films and comedians to ones you know you like.
Other Ways to Keep Organized
Improve your mental strength by consuming low-fat proteins. Organize yourself by writing down what needs to be done for the next day or two. This could include items for a grocery shopping list or it might be a reminder to send an important letter or email. Repeat the words as you write them down to help cement them in your brain. Test yourself later in the day and try to recite exactly what you had written down but without any aid. Other ways to improve your mental strength is to eat a healthy diet: Drink plenty of water, avoid drinking too much alcohol and choose fruit, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat proteins, such as fish.
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