Products for Independent Living
Arthritis or Weakness
Arthritis is inflammation to the joints caused by aging or trauma and causes pain and weakness. This condition can make it difficult to reach and hold items. Tasks such as opening a jar or getting something off of a high shelf are suddenly hard to perform. A grabber tool is a three-foot pole that reaches and grabs items off a high shelf, eliminating the need for a step-stool. Products for opening jars include a simple round rubber gripper or an electric lid opener. Finally, consider large-handled utensils with rubber grips to make eating meals easier.
Walking or Balance
There are many products available to help those who are unsteady on their feet live independently. Canes and walkers are useful for getting around the house. Canes are used by those who need minimal assistance. Walkers have wheels and require the use of both hands, offering more assistance to the individual. Those who need full assistance should consider a chairlift or scooter. In addition to mobility aides, grab bars are an essential product for the home. Grab bars should be put in the shower, near the toilet and anywhere where help is needed in standing or getting up and down.
Vision or Hearing
Large buttoned phones and remote controls, large-print reading materials and a magnifying glass can be useful for those with vision challenges. If your hearing is impaired, consider installing a light that flashes when someone rings your doorbell or calls you. Phone and computer features such as voice activation, web-cams and speech translators give you the ability to communicate in a variety of ways.
Emergencies include incidents such as a break-in, falling or forgetting to take an essential medication. A personal response system can be installed in the home for a monthly fee. You wear a pendent with a button that can be pushed in the event of an emergency. The company will immediately dispatch the police or an ambulance to your home. There are also GPS devices that can be installed in cars and phones to track a person's whereabouts. Finally, consider pill reminders for medication, including pre-set alarms, timers and email or phone alerts if the box is not opened by a certain time.