Senior Living Activities
Art Activities
Providing artistic activities at senior living facilities gives residents a fun outlet for their creativity, which in some cases has been stifled over the years because of work and other commitments. With time finally on their hands, many seniors are eager to try out new activities. A senior living facility should provide visual art opportunities, such as pottery classes, painting with watercolors, oils and pastels, as well as drawing classes. It should also offer performing arts courses, such as piano or guitar lessons.
Physical Activities
Senior living facilities should offer a well-rounded variety of physical activity classes and opportunities to its residents at varying ability levels. Because a senior living facility can have residents whose physical condition may range from very active to those confined to wheelchairs, the facility must be able to tailor the activities to all fitness levels. A swimming pool with qualified staff to teach water aerobics is especially suited to seniors, who may suffer joint problems or have difficulty performing weight-bearing activities. Many seniors also enjoy activities that challenge the body and mind, such as dance or tai chi.
Activities Involving Technology
As part of its activity programs, a senior living facility or community should offer a technology area and classes for its residents. Unlike the generations today who grew up using computers, some seniors have never even learned to turn on a computer, so classes that start with the very basics should be offered regularly. Computer courses on how to use email and social networking sites should also be offered on a regular basis so that seniors can learn how to use them to stay in touch with relatives and friends. A recent technological advance that some senior living facilities are using are Wii game systems. The Wii programs give seniors an alternative and fun way to exercise.
Trip Activities
Day trips to local attractions and historical sites, as well as overnight and longer trips, add welcome variety to a senior living facility's offerings for its residents. For a senior citizen who may no longer have a car or feel comfortable driving long distances, a bus outing may be the only way he can enjoy activities outside of the facility or community. The activities planner should take into consideration the health and physical condition of the residents who may be attending these outings. Excursions that require long or strenuous walks can be offered, but the activity level should be noted on the sign-up sheet.