Home Care Advantages
At Home
Home care allows you to receive health care in the comfort of your own home. That means instead of visiting a doctor, enrolling in a hospice or being hospitalized, you can receive medications and examinations at home.
Keeping Independence
Home health care can help you keep your independence and freedom if you are a senior citizen. Rather than being hospitalized or placed in a hospice where you feel dependent on a facility, you can retain the peace and independence of living at your own home.
Personalized Care
Home care is administered to you by a skilled nurse or home care attendant that is there to treat your condition rather than a large population of individuals with different issues. That means your care is customized to your needs and ailments.
Keeps Family Members Together
When you sign up for home care, you are able to stay with your loved ones, even when they are sick. Home care allows families to be with one another rather than being separated into hospitals or inpatient care facilities.
Postpones Hospital Care
Elderly individual or those that have critical illnesses may have to be admitted to the hospital for care that their family cannot provide. A home health care nurse or attendant can provide that same care from the comfort of your own home and postpone the need for hospitalization.
Limits Doctor Visits
Rather than visiting the doctor for medications, wellness checks or other simple visits, home health care can limit the amount of times you have to physically visit a doctor's office for routine health care. A certified nurse can report directly to your physician in regard to medication, wellness and other routine items.
Cheaper Costs than Hospitalization
The cost of inpatient care facilities or hospitalization can be very expensive. Home health care can be costly as well, but in comparison to the cost of a full-time hospitalization, home care is cheaper. According to The Senior's Choice, home care costs one-tenth that of a hospitalization and one-quarter of the cost for a nursing home.