How to Deal With Senior Forgetfulness
Follow a daily routine. For example, eat your meals and take medications at the same time each day and establish a schedule for doing chores and running errands. Following the same schedule each day or week may make it easier to remember necessary tasks.
Keep important items in the same place and always return them to the same spot after you use them. For example, always return the car keys to the table by the door. Always returning an item to the same spot decreases the risk of losing an item and builds a mental connection between the item and its location, thereby decreasing your risk of forgetting where you put something.
Keep a detailed calendar, featuring the dates of all appointments and engagements and pertinent instructions, such as address, contact information or whether you need to bring anything. Place the calendar in a highly visible location, such as the refrigerator door.
Stay physically and mentally active. Physical activities may include regular exercise, as well as pleasurable activities like gardening or fishing. Socializing, reading, doing crafts, solving puzzles or engaging in other intellectually stimulating activities can help you to stay mentally active, according to the American Psychological Association.
Schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss your forgetfulness if it interferes with your daily life. Your doctor can determine whether forgetfulness is age-related or a sign of a more serious condition like dementia.