How to Fix a Pride Legend XL
Things You'll Need
- Digital tire gauge
- Cloth
Check the wiring of the battery. Improper wiring or a loose connection can leave the unit inoperable. The battery should be wired as follows: red to positive (+) and black to negative (-).
Replace batteries every year. This is a recommendation by Pride Mobility, as batteries more than a year old may be defective.
Restore power to an inoperable Pride Legend XL. If your scooter loses power, turn the key to the "On" position and then press the "Reset" button to restore power to the device.
Troubleshoot and resolve the sluggish performance of a Pride Legend XL. Use a digital tire gauge to check tire pressure. Maintain a 2 to 2.4 bar (30 to 35 psi) tire pressure. Use a cloth to remove dirt, hair and debris, as obstructions may hinder performance of the unit.
Observe flash codes on the LED status display. The Pride Legend XL will remain inoperable until the operator resolves the problem indicated by each flash code. One flash on the LED display indicates a low battery; charge the Pride Legend's battery. Two flashes indicate a disconnected motor; check all connections to the motor. Six flashes indicates the charger is attached to the scooter; unplug the charger from the unit. Nine flashes indicate the scooter was left in freewheel mode; turn the key to the "Off" position, push the manual freewheel lever to the "Drive" position, and then restart the Pride Legend XL.