How to Administer the CLOX Test
Things You'll Need
- 2 pieces of paper
- Pencil
- Scoring chart
Instruct the person to draw a clock. Tell her to draw a clock that says 1:45, and to draw the numbers and hands on the face so that a child could understand them. Repeat the instructions as many times as necessary so that the person understands.
Watch as the person draws the clock. Do not assist in any way. Give him one minute to complete the drawing.
Show the person the other piece of paper, and tell her that you are going to draw a clock on it. Draw a circle, then put in the numbers 3, 6, 9 and 12, write the other numbers as well and draw the hands pointing to 1:45. Draw arrows on the tips of the hands.
Ask the person to copy your clock on the same piece of paper. Watch as he does so.
Score the person's test according to the CLOX scoring chart, which allots a maximum score of 15 points for each drawing. If the person scored 10 or less on the first clock or 12 or less on the second, she has cognitive impairment. If she made many errors on the first clock but not on the second, she has executive dysfunction, the inability to complete goals using simple actions and processes.
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