How to Build an Adult Walker From PVC
Things You'll Need
- 16 feet of 1-inch PVC
- Chop saw
- 4 rubber feet
- 6 PVC 3-way "T" fittings
- 4 PVC 4-way "LT" fittings
- 4 PVC 90 degree fittings
- 4 PVC 120 degree fittings
Using a chop saw, cut PVC pipe into six 1 1/2-inch sections, four 5-inch sections, four 8-inch sections, three 18-inch sections, two 20-inch sections, two 12 1/2-inch sections and two 6-inch sections.
Insert one end of each of the 5-inch pipes into a rubber foot and stand them upright with the rubber foot on the floor.
Apply a 3-way "T" fitting to the top of two of the 5-inch pipes so that one end of the fitting is pointing to the sky and the other is pointing to the side at 90 degrees. Attach a 4-way "LT" fitting to the top of the two other 5-inch pipes so that one end of the fitting is point to the sky and the other two are pointing to the side at 90 degrees.
Insert one of the 12 1/2-inch pipes into the 90 degree fitting on the 3-way "T" connector attached to one of the 5-inch pipes. Attach the other end of the 12 1/2-inch pipe to one of the 90 degree fittings on the 4-way "LT" on one of the other 5-inch pipes. Do the same for the second 12 1/2-inch pipe with the remaining two 5-inch pieces.
Connect the two sections by inserting an 18-inch pipe into the remaining fittings on the 4-way "LT" connectors attached to the two 5-inch pipes. This forms the bottom of the walker and should look like a three-sided box.
Insert the 20-inch pipes into the vertical openings of the 3-way "T" connector on top of the 5-inch pipes. These are the front rails of the walker. Cap each of the 20-inch pipes with a 90 degree fitting.
Insert an 8-inch pipe into the vertical openings of the 4-way "LT" on the rear two 5-inch pipes. Cap the 8-inch pipes with a 3-way "T" fitting so that one end points upward and the other is parallel to the 18-inch pipe across the rear of the walker frame.
Connect the two 8-inch pipes by inserting an 18-inch pipe into the side opening of the 3-way "T" fitting.
Insert another set of 8-inch pipes into the vertical openings of the 3-way "T" fittings and cap them with another 3-way "T" fitting. Again, connect the two 8-inch pipes by inserting an 18-inch pipe into the side opening of the 3-way "T" fitting.
Insert a 1 1/2-inch section of pipe into the top of each 3-way "T" fitting and cap the pipe with a 90 degree fitting. Point the open end of the fitting toward the front of the walker frame.
Apply another 1 1/2-inch section of pipe into the open end of each 90 degree fitting from step 10. Cap the pipe with a 120 degree fitting so that the open end of the fitting is pointing to the ground.
Insert the last two 1 1/2-inch sections of pipe into the two 120 degree fittings and cap the pipes with the last two 120 degree fittings so that the open end of the fitting in pointing toward the front of the walker frame.
Connect the open end of the two 120 degree fittings to the open ends of the two 90 degree fittings from step six using two 6-inch sections of pipe.