Signs & Symptoms of Aging in Elderly Men
Muscle Atrophy and Weight Gain
Though both men and women lose muscle mass as the aging process begins, men tend to present differently. One of the reasons men lose muscle weight and gain fatty tissue is because of a reduction in physical activity and lowered testosterone levels. As men age, pockets of fat develop in areas such as around the midsection. A decrease in overall stamina and interest in physical activity also occurs at more advanced stages of the aging process, further compounding the muscle loss and weight gain symptoms.
Prostate Issues
Men have a prostate which controls urinary function and frequency. The prostate tends to grow as the aging process progresses. As the prostate enlarges in size, urinary function becomes more sporadic and less instantaneous. For men that have advanced through the aging process, and have had a prostate enlarge over time, urination may become difficult as the larger gland causes pressure and thus refuses to aide in the release of urine.
Hair Loss and Baldness
Though the thinning of hair on the scalp can occur in both men and women, the issue is more noticeable and common among aging men. As a man ages, his hair may start graying at first and then the process of thinning hair become noticeable. Over time, men may lose hair and some may even become completely bald. Though genetics plays a large role in how a man's hair reacts to aging, the changing of hair from lush locks to thinner strands is a good indicator of the aging process moving forward.
Reproductive and Sexual Signs
For women, the aging process is signified by the onset of menopause. For men, aging transforms different aspects of reproductive and sexual health. One sign associated with aging is the lowering of testosterone levels. This change most likely occurs as a general downward trend which happens over a period of years. The reduced amount of testosterone in an aging male produces symptoms such as a decreased sex drive, sleep pattern disturbances and an overall lack of energy.