Inspirational Stories for Seniors
Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul
"Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul: Heartwarming Stories for People 60 and Over" is a book of short stories in the popular "Chicken Soup" series. It contains over 400 pages of short fiction, inspirational messages and writing by a variety of authors. The book is divided into a number of thematic sections, including "Staying Young at Heart," "Sharing with Others," "Across the Generations" and "Celebrating Life." It is a New York Times No. 1 bestseller.
Help, Lord! I'm Having a Senior Moment
"Help, Lord! I'm Having a Senior Moment: Notes to God on Growing Older" is a book by Karen O'Connor. The book contains a variety of humorous accounts of "senior moments," those moments in life that make people feel old and expose the frailty of body and mind. The book contains stories with such titles as "Right -- and Proud of It," "Grandma's Letter" and "Margarine, Margarine, Wherefore Art Thou?"
Ruth Hamilton
The story of Ruth Hamilton is sure to inspire senior citizens. Hamilton died in January 2008 just shy of her 110th birthday. Her life is so remarkable, however, because she was one of the world's oldest bloggers. Having learned to use a computer only later in life, Hamilton, a school teacher, posted a video blog on Hamilton's story proves that people of any age can become masters of the latest technology.
Ronald Cunningham
When Ronald Cunningham, aka The Great Omani, died in 2007, he was a magician and escape artist just two years removed from the top of his game. His stunts used fire, straitjackets and even eating glass. In 2005, at the age of 90, he escaped from handcuffs while both his arms were on fire. The story of The Great Omani is sure to inspire anyone, and truly proves that you are only as old as you feel.