How to Help Someone With Alcohol Abuse
Make the abuser accountable for his actions. Stop making excuses. You must not cover up for him. Do not lie to other people to explain his actions following a heavy drinking episode. Tell the truth that he abuses alcohol.
Speak to the alcohol abuser. State to her in a calm manner how you feel about her abuse. Explain that you are worried for her and you only want to help her.
Provide consequences to the abuser. You must be prepared to follow through with the consequence, so he knows you are serious. If you live with him, you can move out if he doesn't stop. If he's a friend, tell him you will no longer hang out with him. The point is to make him feel the consequences and decide if his drinking is more important than anything else.
Find treatment options. Talk to your doctor. He may be able to refer you to someone who can help the alcohol abuser. Go to the website of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. You will find resources, including the names of treatment centers and support groups. Give the abuser the name and number of a treatment center or support group and offer to go with her.
Have another person speak to the abuser. If the abuser still refuses help, bring in a friend or family member to speak with the abuser. The abuser may feel that person is less judgmental than you. An ex-alcoholic can explain the negative effects alcohol had on his life. A recovering alcoholic may be able to persuade the abuser to stop drinking.
Have an intervention. Bring family and friends of the abuser, along with a healthcare professional. Explain the damaging effects of alcohol. Make sure the healthcare professional has done this type of intervention before.