Support Groups for Parents of Addicts
Al-Anon is probably the most recognized support group for families of addicts. This group is similar to Alcoholics Anonymous and is confidential and private. Al-Anon offers you, as the parent of an addicted individual, a place to express your despair or helplessness regarding the situation. You might find comfort and solace in hearing others tell their stories and realizing your are not alone. Al-Anon offers support meetings in most states and cities. You can check your local phone book for a listing or on Al-Anon's website.
Daily Strength
Daily Strength is an anonymous website that anyone in need of support can join. Daily Strength offers support for issues outside of addiction, such as depression and anxiety, which can often accompany the feelings of helplessness you feel. You can join discussion groups by signing up for the website with an email address and password. The account is free and you can post under a pseudonym to avoid identification. Daily Strength offers a Families and Friends of Addicts Support group for support, information and guidance. You can log onto the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for support and online chatting with other members.
Similar to Al-Anon, Nar-Anon offers families of addicts support and guidance through meetings and literature. Nar-Anon allows you to start a group in your area, if one is not available, by purchasing a New Group Packet for $35. Nar-Anon seems to have more groups and meetings available than Al-Anon, particularly if you live in a smaller town or city. The website allows you access to literature through a web store and occasionally holds larger events or conferences to help you reach out for more support.
Rehabalitation Clinics
Many rehabilitation clinics will offer you, as the parent of an addict, support groups within the program. Some of these support groups will be with other parents of addicts, and other groups might include the addicted family member as part of the discussion. If the clinic does not offer a support group, many can provide you with the names of therapists or meeting groups in the area for you to attend.