How to Quit Drinking & Smoking Naturally
Try natural herbs. The abrupt change of quitting drinking and smoking causes a person to feel stressed and anxious. There are many natural herbs that soothe the mental and physical well-being, allowing a person to relax. Valerian is used as a sedative and helps clam nerves. St. John's Wort also is claimed to reduce anxiety fears and depression associated with quitting smoking and drinking. Lozenges that contain natural herbs are available. Nico Drops are formulated with St. John's Wort, valerian and eleuthero, and promise to help you quit naturally. As with any new undertaking, it is wise to consult a doctor before taking these herbs, especially if you have a medical condition.
Explore options such as electronic cigarettes and alternative drinks. Electronic cigarettes are for those who still want the experience of smoking but without the many harmful ingredients found in a cigarette. Electronic cigarettes mimic the experience of smoking, allowing the user to puff and blow out odorless vapor. The device is rechargeable and therefore costs less than buying packs of cigarettes. For those addicting to drinking, there are certainly many options from which to choose. "Mock-tails" can be made that taste like the real thing but without the alcohol. For example, vodka can be swapped for ginger ale when making a screwdriver. There also are numerous non-alcoholic wines available such as Carl Jung Wines.
Remove stumbling blocks. There are many things that can derail your path to success. The most common is associating with others who drink and smoke. Distance yourself from these friends. Say no to invitations where you know people will be smoking and drinking. Instead, surround yourself with supportive family members and friends who will understand what you are going through.
Engage in exercise and sports. The benefits of exercise are well-known. It relieves the body form stress and releases endorphins that make you naturally happy. Taking up a form of exercise or a sport will help drinkers and smokers curb their addictions.