How Can I Get My Parents to Stop Smoking?
Offer encouragement when your parents decide to quit on their own. If they mention wanting to quit smoking, give them encouraging, hopeful words to help them begin the difficult process of quitting. Offer to do research about effective quitting methods, and go with them to the doctor to discuss alternatives and options.
Lend an Ear
Addictions are a dangerous thing because of how hard they are to give up. If your parent has decided to quit smoking, lend your ear to them whenever they need you to. If they are keeping their frustrations private, make it known to them that you are always there to listen to them no matter what they have to say. Listen without judgments, offering nothing but love and support.
Offer Your Help
Offer to help out your parents when they decide to quit smoking. This can include chopping up vegetables for them to chew on to help break the habit, or finding alternatives to smoking cigarettes. You can also help around the house by keeping up with your own chores, and offering to do some household chores and cleaning you wouldn't normally do.
Avoid Criticism
Try to avoid being overly critical, harsh or nagging. Telling them how bad smoking affects their health is redundant. They know the dangers of smoking already. Instead, offer your support and encouragement if they slip up during their recovery. Let them know mistakes happen, and you know they can do this.
Reward Their Efforts
When your parents pass milestones, like going a month without smoking, reward those efforts. Offer to wash their car, make them a congratulations card or run errands for them.
Help Them Avoid Temptation
One of the hardest parts about giving up an addiction is the temptations they might come across along the way. These include people and places that induce the habit of smoking. For example, if you are having a family party with known smokers, ask them to smoke outside or possibly not smoke while they are at the party. Let them know honestly that your parents are quitting smoking, and how much it would help to not be around it. If they want to go out to eat, ask for a table far away from the outside smoking area.