Drug Support Groups for Families
In 2008, a survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration showed that 23.3% of respondents were binge or heavy drinkers. Because of its price, legality and availability, many more people succumb to alcohol abuse than to the abuse of illicit drugs. Al-Anon is an organization that is dedicated to providing a support system to those who have had their lives affected by a loved one's drinking. Al-Anon is a traditional support group where others who have suffered similarly come together to share their experiences. The shared experience and support of the entire group helps everyone involved to overcome the challenges they are facing in their lives due to the effects of alcohol.
Private Counseling Organizations
Most major cities will have several private counseling centers that have programs that focus on providing support to the family members of addicts. These programs are designed around supporting and improving the mental and emotional health of family members. Some programs are designed to help teach people how they can support their family members on the road to recovery. This can include referrals to other professionals or facilities in the addictions field. If you want to find a group like this in your area, ask your family physician. They will be able to refer you to an organization that can help.
Nar-Anon is to Narcotics Anonymous as Al-Anon is to Alcoholics Anonymous. There is no cost to join a Nar-Anon group. If you have a family member who has suffered or is suffering from an addiction to narcotics, you are instantly qualified to join one of these groups. Nar-Anon meetings are places where you can receive support to help you cope with living with a narcotics user. Nar-Anon is a worldwide program, and adheres to a 12-step principle to help people come back from the devastation that occurs as a result of having an addicted family member.
Online Groups
Online support groups are available for those who have had family members addicted to drugs. The beauty of this approach is that it can unite people who need support no matter where they live. A person in a small, rural area may not have access to the same type of support groups that someone living in a larger city may have. Also, turning to the Internet for support can give family members an even greater chance of true anonymity. For example, Al-Anon operates an online outreach program that includes email support groups and live chat groups.